0Tuesday. 15th [January 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 15th [January 1884]. Olga did not come & in despair I resolved to give up the attempt to do her portrait. Css Hayes & her father Mr Whitehead & a son of his in diplomacy came & stayed some time. They were on their way thro’ from Tunis to Bologna. I was very glad to see them & they are not going to remain here. After lunch I took Henry across to Rischetti’s shop & then went to try & find Andriana Marcello but she was out so I went to call on Pss Dolgorouky who was at home. On the stairs I met Pss Alexandrine Windischgrätz—they having just arrived at Venice & taken the ground floor of Pss Dolgorouky’s house. I said I was going to call on her mother but she said she was just going out so I said I wd go another day. I found Pss Dol: in very good humour. She showed me her work & her rooms & said she wished to see my studio so we settled she shd come to me at 4.30 on Friday. On my way out the porter said Pss Mathilde Windischgrätz was waiting to see me but at the door of her apartment I met her coming out so I agreed to come to her another time & I went on to sit with Carry & sent the boat for Henry. He called for me later & we went home to tea. P. & Pss Windischgrätz, & Pss Alexandrine, Pss Montenegro & Pss Olga, Mrs Bruce & Mlle Cozzi all came to tea. Dined alone, Cribbage. Emily R came in just before lunch & sat with us while we were at lunch. Suddenly I discovered that the salt had no salt taste. We tasted what was in the cellars & it was not salt. Luigi being summoned returned saying it was “une poudre pour nettages l’argenterie”—but on further examination it turned out to be seltzer water powder, a relief to know we had not been eating poison.

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