0Friday. 15th February [1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 February 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 15th February [1884]. I had a bad night with my cough so did not get up till luncheon. Mrs Burr came to see me & sat by my bed side. After lunch Henry went out in brougham. I stayed in. Cornelia & Connie came to tea. Later Charlie called & abt 6.30 Maria turned up to stay with us. As we were going to dine out Charlie took Maria to dine at Onslow Gardens. Henry & I went to dine with Mr & Mrs Alexander, met Mr & Mrs Grenfell, Mr & Mrs Arbuthnot & Miss Guthrie, Sir Henry & Lady Adelaide Peirse. Sir Hy took me to dinner & Mr Grenfell sat on my right. Miss Louisa Canning was also staying with her uncle Mr Alexander. My cough was bad & I was glad to get home to bed with gruel & mustard poultice. In the afternoon I was some time in Monty’s room drawing & trying one of S. Kensington lists.

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