0Wednesday. 20th February [1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 February 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 20th February [1884]. Ivor came to see us in the morning & asked us to dine with him. Maria was to have returned home but she agreed only to go for a couple of hours & to return here for the night which she did & went off about 12. Henry went to the City to lunch. Mr F. Burton, Constance & Charlie came to lunch & afterwards I took Connie out. We left cards &c & I left Connie at her house at 4 & came home by 5. Mr Hamilton Aidé called—& Maria returned at 5.30. We went to dine at Hamilton Hse and found Ivor & Cornelia were alone. Home early.

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