0Friday. 29th February [1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 February 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 29th February [1884]. I was sitting writing in the Drawing room in the morning when Monty came in & stood talking. He told me he thought of bringing our tenancy with him to an end as he found that the 2 establishments did not work well together & he thought it wd be better if we took a house to ourselves. This came upon me like a bolt. However I made bon visage & told him I had even asked about a house I had seen was to be let in Grafton St & he said he would go with me to see over it. So I went with him & we went over 20 Grafton St which proved to be the ditto of 21 where we had lived the first 3 months of our married life—but the house was in terrible disrepair. I walked on with Monty & we went to Goods & after to Mortlock to choose a piece of china for Lady Westminster to send to the Emperor of Germany to whom she is in the habit of sending a birthday present every year. We got into a hansom & went on to the School of art at Gt Tichfield St as Monty & I think of going there to study drawing—then we went in an old shop a gilder called Chance where we saw fine prints & drawings he had to frame. I left Monty there and went on to call on Bss Burdett Coutts & she was out so I went home to lunch. After lunch Henry & I went out in the brougham. I went to see Mrs Rate who was in bed with a cold. I also went to the Stores & paid some visits &c. Sir Wm Drake, Mr Armstrong, Miss Browning, Mrs White & her girl & Alice Du Cane all came to tea. Mr Armstrong recommended me not to go to Gt Tichfield St & offered to show me over S. Ken: school if I would go tomorrow. Alice & I put up flowers & arranged the dinner table & Mr Ball called while we were doing it. Sir Collingwood & Lady Dickson, Sir Francis & Lady de Winton, Mr Fergusson, Miss Annie Murray & young Mr Thompson (Sir Henry’s Son) came to dine with us– With Alice we were 10. I had not seen Lady de Winton since she left Constantinople after her attack of typhoid. She is improved in looks & is very handsome.

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