0Tuesday. 4th March [1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 March 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 4th March [1884]. The morning was wet but mild. I walked out & went to see Alice Rate & had a chat with her—& returned home to lunch. Directly after lunch Henry & I went out in the brougham. He left me at Lady Tavistock’s—I sat talking with her for an hour until Cornelia called for me & took me a drive. We went to call on Lady May at the House of Commons & then drove along the Embankment to the Temple to leave cards on Mrs Vaughan—& returned to our homes at 5. Henry & I dined with Lady Lindsay in Hans Place. Her house wh is 2 small houses thrown into one is now completed & looks very nice. Met the Burrs, Mr Burton, Mr Poynter & 2 or 3 other people.

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