0Wednesday. 25th [June 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 June 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 25th [June 1884]. At 8.30 Ersilia called for me with her Dicky & we went in gondola to the steamer for the Lido & went there & all 3 bathed. The water was not so hot as I shd have liked. After bathing we took a little walk & then returned to Venice by steamer. On getting to the Kiva we found Maria & all returned home in gondola together. I had a bad headache the rest of the day. Alice still laid up with her swelled face and had to remain in my bedroom on the sofa. Malcolm dined with us. I had to go to bed directly after dinner.

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