0Thursday. 17th [July 1884]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 July 1884 — La Punta, Longarone
Thursday. 17th [July 1884]. Breakfast in room. Went & sat in Alice’s room & she read aloud to me. After lunch I read aloud to Henry. Mr Malcolm left us & returned to Venice starting about 3. He had sent Arthur Du Cane out for a long walk today– He started at 5 AM & returned abt 5 just as we had done tea. He went to a village called Cimolais in a valley close by. He said he had a very hot walk. It was a fine valley. One of Mr Malcolm’s clerks accompanied him. The curé received him & was very civil. Then asked him if Beaconsfield was still alive—& on hearing that he was dead asked if Disraeli was alive. Henry, Alice & I took an hour’s drive after tea & walked down home from Longarone– We dined at 7 & sat out after dinner. We had lights out & played cribbage. Thermometer 85°.

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