0Tuesday. 29th July [1884]—Munich
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 July 1884 — Munich
Tuesday. 29th July [1884]. Had a bad night—got out of bed at 6 to say good bye to Alice & she & Arthur went off to England via Cologne & Ostende. I went back to bed & had a further rest & only got up to breakfast at 9. Then I went out to fetch some books we bought yesterday & which had not been sent home. Then Henry & I took a stroll & he bought me a pretty piece of needlework which I think of copying. At the door of the hotel we met Dr Nevin who had been to England since we met him at Venice. We went off by 10.40 train to return to Niederdorf & had a lovely journey over the Brenner. We had a little deaf old gentleman in the carriage who was going to Ala & knew that he had 3 days quarantine to undergo. We lunched at Kufstein & changed trains at Franzensfeste. We had several people in the train who had come out from England & who to avoid the quarantine going into Italy had to go round by Udine & Pontebba. We were anxious lest there should be the same on the Ampezzo & were anxious to be safe in Italy. By the time we got to Niederdorf after 8 I was very tired & exhausted. We were met by the Landlord of the Post Inn & walked there from the station. I had to go straight to bed & was rather sick but luckily soon got to sleep.

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