0Sunday. 24th [August 1884]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 August 1884 — Baveno
Sunday. 24th [August 1884]. I went to church in the morning & sang in the choir. At 2 Henry & I drove off to Belgirate to the Cairoli’s. They took us with them out in a boat. Mme Castellani & Signor Napoli were of the party. We went to Sta Caterina del Sasso a very picturesque Sanctuario on the opposite shore where there is a lovely view. We went up in the church to see the miracle. There is a most curious thing. It appears that 2 centuries ago while the workmen were preparing an altar under wh were to have placed the remains of Saint                two large pieces of rock rolled down the cliff above the church—broke thro’ the roof & there remained suspended jammed in, in what appears an impossible manner. One can hardly believe it possible that they should be there & some day the miracle! will come to an end as the weight is opening the brick work. The saint was finally deposited a little way off. We had a lovely row back to Belgirate & got there abt 6. Took off my bonnet & washed hands & at 6.30 we dined. Met Signora Cairoli’s mother & sisters & sisters in law. The latter’s two little boys were playing in the garden & the smallest slipped in the fountain head foremost. He was not hurt but it caused some commotion– Several neighbours came in to spend the evening with the Cairolis. At 9.30 Henry & I drove back to Baveno.

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