0Friday. 20th February [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
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20 February 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 20th February [1885]. I walked out to see Blanche in the morng. At 2.30 Alice & I went out driving. I went to Hamilton House to see Ivor & Cornelia—shopped & then at 4 went down to the House of Commons to seats given us by Lady May in the Sergeant at Arm’s gallery. It was nearly empty. We heard most of the Govt make short speeches– Gladstone spoke far better today then yesterday. Lord Hartington, with failing voice, read a telegram announcing Genl Stewarts’ death from his wound. There were 2 Queen’s messages brought in by Lord Hartington & read by the Speaker, one calling out the Reserves & one the Militia. At ¼ to 6 when I saw Sir T Erskine May leave the table I knew he must be gone to tea so Alice & I went off to tea with Lady May & Miss Laughton. Sir Thomas told us that the reason Gladstone had been so dejected yesterday was that he had been hissed by the crowds as he came down to the house. Sir Thomas was very low abt the state of affairs & so was Lady May. She said the Duke of Bedford had been to tea with her a few days ago & told her that he had written to Gladstone to say that as a good Whig he would be glad to know if he was to follow him Gladstone or Chamberlain. Gladstone sent the Duke a long letter in answer wh he read over once—read over twice & read over thrice without being able to understand. We returned to the House for a little while but there was nothing very interesting going on so we returned home by 7. Dined at 8. Henry & I went to the Goldsmid’s. Lady G has a salon every Friday eveng & there we found lots of diplomats & amongst them Hassan-Fehmi Pasha with whom I renewed acquaintance & had a long talk abt Constantinople & my acquaintance there. He said the Sultan had not yet got over his annoyance at Henry’s despatch wh Lord Granville had so unjustifiably published, but that H. M. always had a high regard for me.

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