0Saturday. 21st [February 1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 February 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 21st [February 1885]. I walked round to see Blanche—then to Mama & on to Susan Hambro & then home. Maria came up & she & I went off to Lewis & Allenby for more dress patterns. We lunched at 1 & Henry & I went off to Canford by 2.15 train from Waterloo. Alice left us today & returned home with her mother. Cornelia & Ivor went down by the same train with us & we reached Canford soon after 5. Dined at 8.30. Cornelia & I played cribbage. Bed 11. Very cold & 10º of frost last night.

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