0Saturday. 14th March [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 March 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 14th March [1885]. Wrote letters &c till 11.30. Went out walking, shopping & returned by 1.30 to see Henry off to the Levée & then I walked to 25 Park Crescent to see if Maria was there. I found her, Rd & Alice. The latter came home with me & as soon as Henry returned from Levée (2.15) we had lunch. Maria & Rd came later. At 3.30 Maria & I drove off to see Connie who was at home & then we returned here. Had tea. Sir Wm & Lady Gregory, Mr Fred Burton, Blanche & Edward & Alice dined with us & in the evening Alice & I went to Cornelia’s evening party at Hamilton House where we saw a good many people & came home abt 12.30.

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