0Tuesday. 17th [March 1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 March 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 17th [March 1885]. I went to Mama in the morning & helped her to sort out Turkish work. Returned in time for lunch Mrs Burr & Lady Gregory lunched with us. Cornelia called just before lunch. Alice came up to dine & sleep here. Blanche & Edward came in after dinner. Edward & Henry played billiards. At 11 Alice & I went to the French Embassy to Mme Waddingtons dance– It was larger but not as good as the last one. When I drove out this afternoon I went to call on Mrs Clark 44 Berkeley Sqr & found her weak but recovering from a severe illness. I went on to see Dss of Marlboro in Gros: Sqr & found her at home & stayed some time & she was very pleasant. I then went to Mrs Mostyn whose day it was & met a lot of old ladies, viz Mrs Ford, Mrs Washington Hibbert, Lady Collier & left them all enjoying their tea & small talk.

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