0Monday. 23rd [March 1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 March 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 23rd [March 1885]. I walked out in the morning to shop. Maria & Alice came to luncheon. Henry & I went to Leighton’s house to a musical afternoon. Piatti, Joachim, Mme Norman Neruda & Mlle Zimmerman all performed. We met a great many people we knew—the studio where the music was was beautifully decorated with palms & azaleas. Joachim & Neruda played together the violins. Santley sang & was accompanied by Miss Maud Valerie White. We stayed till past 6 & could hardly tear ourselves away at past 6 o’cl. We only had time to dress & go off to dine at Sir Robt & Lady Collier’s on the Thames Embankment. Sir Charles Wyke took me to dinner & I sat next Count Munster the German Ambr. Met also Lady Strangford, the Matthew Arnolds, Ld & Ly Saltoun, Mr & Mrs Henry Reeve &c.

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