0Wednesday. 3rd [June 1885]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1885 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 3rd [June 1885]. I was so knocked up I did not paint today but read a great deal of Lamartine’s Girondins & cried over the last days & death of Louis XVI wh are too touching. Went out with Henry at 4. I called on Mme Castellani who now lives in Rawdon Brown’s old apartment. I found her at home & toiled up to see her in the rooms filled with old memories of dear old Browns dry slim figure & his books & papers & kindly ways. We went to Biraghi’s & saw the carvings in progress for Canford staircase– Went to the Stabto & chose some flower glasses—& then came home to dinner. I was persuaded to take a row after dinner—but I felt my ears & glands were still delicate after the measles & that I must not go out yet in the evenings. Cook not well.

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