0Tuesday. 22nd September [1885]—Cison
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 September 1885 — Cison
Tuesday. 22nd September [1885]. Mme d’Adda was better but not out of bed. I went to her room to see her for a moment. Ct Brandolin was away at Venice all day. We had tea in our rooms at 7.30 & then I read & painted till 12 breakfast. Ninina & I went for a little walk before breakfast & after we went all of us down to Cison to see the Fatteria wh is very well managed. All the peasants have shares in it & bring their milk wh is bought of them. The cream is separated by machinery from the milk—excellent cheese & butter is made & great cleanliness is everywhere observable. We remounted the hill to the Castle in the little carriage. Ct Brandolin did not get home fm Venice little after dinner.

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