0Saturday. 14th [November 1885]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 November 1885 — Rome
Saturday. 14th [November 1885]. I had my hair washed after breakfast & remained indoors—a dull day. I made a sketch from the window of the palm tree in the garden. Had rather a headache in the afternoon. Sir John gave a large dinner of 20. The Swedish Minister & Mme Lindstrand & several very pretty secretaries wives– M. Lindstrand took me to dinner & Señor del Arro sat on my right. There were the Señores Aguirrè. He is milt: secy here. His wife a very nice person, daughter of D. José Olazaga—& she gave me a great deal of Spanish news. She is unfortunately very deaf. Mme Lindstrand sang to the piano on the top of the great staircase. I do not care for her singing tho’ she has a fine voice.

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