0Wednesday. 18th [November 1885]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 November 1885 — Rome
Wednesday. 18th [November 1885]. We 3 went in the morning to the Capitol to see the statues. I got so tired I returned to the carriage & sat there while Sir John & Henry went to the picture gallery. Directly after lunch Marquis Maffei came to call. He is here on leave from his post Brussels. Lindstrand came also to call—& stayed a tremendous time. When Maffei left Sir John went out with him & never returned. Henry went to call on the Hammonds who arrived in Rome yesterday–& I was left with Lindstrand who did not make up his mind to go till 4. I then dressed & took a turn in the garden, watched the secretaries play lawn tennis & then walked to Piazza della Independenza to see Mrs Beauclerk who was at home. I had been there a very short time when Abbot Smith came in, an old priest we had known here before & a great bore. I did not remain long & it was dark when I got in. We went to dine at 8—Henry, Sir J. & I at the Dutch Minister’s & met there the Froudes, the Danish Minister & Mme Hagermann, Mr Wing (American secy), Mr Walpole & Baron de Tucher. The Rendells played piano forte duetts in the eveng & Mme Hagermann sang charmingly—very pleasant evening—excellent dinner & splendid blue japanese dinner set.

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