0Sunday. 6th December [1885]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 December 1885 — Paris
Sunday. 6th December [1885]. At 10 I went off to the Louvre & worked till 1 when I hastened back to the hotel– Lunched with Dacre & Henry & went off with the latter to the Eden Theatre to Lamoureux’s concert. Heard some good music as Mlle Silberberg played wonderfully on the piano—the orchestra is very good & the choice of music nice– We had a piece by Wagner Siegfrieds Idyll which we did not much care for. We got back to the hotel abt 5.30, finished our packing for tomorrow’s start. Dacre came & sat & talked till we had to dress & go off to dine with B. & Bss Weisweiller. We met Baron Hubner & Ct de Chaudordy 2 ex Ambassadors & Baroness Haber a Spanish widow also Mr Porges the son in law of the house. Retired early.

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