0Thursday. 14th [January 1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 January 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 14th [January 1886]. Wrote letters &c in morning. Mr Murray called for Henry & took him to old Mr Fergusson’s funeral. It was a fine day. Blanche fetched me & we went for a short walk together. Lunched at 1. At 2 I went in the open carriage & fetched Mrs Eden for a drive. We went to her house 7 Seville St wh is let to Lady Gormanston & met there Lady Gainsboro’ a pretty young woman. We went specially to see the way the Edens fireplaces are arranged. They have no gates but the fires down on the hearth & they recommend us to change ours on the same system. We went on to see Mrs Poynter & found her at home. I left Carry at her own abode & came home to tea. We dined with Sir William Drake—Browning sat next me & was charming as ever & full of the Venetian Palazzo he has bought. Met a lot of people I did not know.

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