0Wednesday. 20th January [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
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20 January 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 20th January [1886]. I drove Henry down to Nat. Gallery & left him there & then went on to see Lady Hammond. She was at home but I found she was engaged with a lady so I told Miss Hammond I would go & pay some other visits & return. I left a lot of cards & found Mrs Post at home & in a great state of excitement as she had just received a card of admission to see the opening of Parliament tomorrow. I felt proportionately small as I had vainly endeavored to get one. I returned to Lady Hammond, went in & had tea with her & told her how vexed I was not to have got a ticket & she said I must go &c. I went home & arranged our dinner table. Count Hatzfeldt, Mr & Mrs Henry Reeve, Mr & Mrs Lecky, Mr & Mrs Hallam Murray               .

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