0Friday. 5th March [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 March 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 5th March [1886]. Woke with a headache & so remained in bed till 12. Then Eda & I walked to 66 Portland Place to see Sir Charles Wingfield’s house as I am copying his fire place– Then we went on to the People’s dinners. Henry had finished his lunch & I met him going out on my return. I wanted no lunch & went straight to my room. Mama came to see me & then Sir Arthur Otway so I had to dress & go down to him & return to my fireside afterwards. Blanche & Connie came to see me & the latter remained to tea & dosed me with strong tea & brandy so that I was able to get up & go & dine with the Drakes where we met the Rates & Mr & Mrs H. Davy (he is Solicitor Genl).

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