0Thursday. 4th March [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 March 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 4th March [1886]. Went out in the morning walking with Eda Alderson. Came in at 12—dressed for the Drawing Room—lunched at 1 & finished my toilette afterwards with the assistance of Eda, Mildred, Mrs Bagot (who came to lunch) & Miss Haynes’ little assistant. I wore a black lace petticoat, b. jet body & black velvet train lined with salmon colour– We started at 2.15. As soon as we got to the Buckingham Palace Henry was stopped by a page who took exception at his wearing trousers & tights & Spencer Ponsonby Fane advised him to return home & change. I remained in the Entrée Room & watched for his reappearance but altho’ the number of the Entrée was large & the room was a long time emptying Henry never came– At last just as the 1st room of ladies had been let in Henry appeared saying he had been there some minutes—so on we went, got through the business very speedily. Besides H.M. there were the Pss Beatrice, the Dss of Edinboro, the D. of Connaught, D. of Cambridge & Prince H. of Battenberg. Hatzfeldt & D’Antas both told us they were struck with the warm reception given by the Queen to Henry. We got home about 4 & did not go out again. Dined at home & in eveng Henry & I went to a small dull party at the Falbe’s.

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