0Friday. 26th [March 1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 26th [March 1886]. We dined with Lord & Lady Esher & Mr Joseph Chamberlain took me to dinner– I had never met him before & was not favorably impressed by him. He seems very 2nd rate, very conceited. On my left sat a Mr Claude Ponsonby, an intelligent young man. Met besides Lady Crawford, Ct Hatzfeldt, Sir Ed & Lady & Miss Antrobus, Sir Hussey & Ly Vivian, Mr & Lady Mary [illegible word] &c &c. Chamberlain a spare man rather like a country [illegible word] & with the manners of one—lays down the law abt every thing & is said to know very little. Speaking of the poor & the unemployed he appeared to me to speak hardly of them. He said also that bad as things were in England at this moment they had often been worse as just before the passing of the Reform bill—when many died of starvation.

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