0Tuesday. 6th [April 1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 April 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 6th [April 1886]. Kate went out in the morng to sit for her portrait. I went to the Kitchen as usual. We drove together in the afternoon. Dined at 6. Baby Hatzfeldt came to dinner & went to the Pantomime with us. We were there joined by Ola & Ruth & the twin Du Canes & all enjoyed Aladdin & the wonderful Lamp wh was gorgeously got up. Afterwards Kate, Ola & I took baby back to her home & at the same time were at an evening party her father was giving. We met Maria & Rd there & returned Ola to them & came home abt 12.30.

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