0Wednesday. 26th May [1886]—Brussels
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 May 1886 — Brussels
Wednesday. 26th May [1886]. I did not get up until 11. And we did not go out until ¼ 12 when we walked to Maffei’s to lunch with him. He gave us an excellent risotto & a capital lunch & then showed all his plate & his possessions in detail & we spent till nearly 3 looking over all his things, tapestries, plate, silks &c &c. I went to call on Mrs Napier & sat with her some time talking & gossipping & then walked back to our hotel. Soon after 5 Lady Vivian called for me & took me for a drive. She took me to Laeken to the place where the King & Q. live. It is a very pretty place just outside the town & the gardens seem beautiful but the Palace not very splendid. We drove back into the town & went to an antiquity shop called Loris kept by a funny old woman & there I bought a few odds & ends very cheap & then returned to the hotel at 7. We dined at 7.30. Abt 9 the Master of Napier & Mr Brooke came to see us.

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