0Saturday. 29th May [1886]—Brussels
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 May 1886 — Brussels
Saturday. 29th May [1886]. We took a cab & went off to Marquis Maffei’s for breakfast at 12. Ct Cantagalli also lunched there & we remained some time chatting after lunch. We went to call on Mrs Napier—found that she was not so well & was in bed so Henry left me with her & I remained an hour with her. I then walked to our Legation to call on Lady Vivian & bid her good bye. Then walked back to the hotel with the Master whom I met at the Legation. Abt 5 Henry & I took an open cab & went for a drive first to a shop to buy some lace veils & then to Laeken, it was a lovely afternoon & we had a pleasant drive. Maffei & the Master came & dined with us at our hotel.

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