0Thursday. 1st July [1886]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 July 1886 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Thursday. 1st July [1886]. Henry went out early & caught a 16 lb. salmon before breakfast, after breakfast he lost one at Syltebo. I fished the bridge 0. We dined at 6 & Henry & I each drove a carriole to Haande & there took a boat & fished in the Lake but had poor sport bringing home 7 fish (char & trout). I left Henry at Friswold at 11 on the way home. Had supper with E & F & went to bed. Henry came home abt 2 having caught 2 salmon 13 & 21 lbs.

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