0Friday. 13th [August 1886]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 August 1886 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Friday. 13th [August 1886]. We breakfasted at 8 & Henry went at 9 to Lr Gredhus the tide being high but got nothing. I went to bridge & got nothing. Carved. At 12.30 we went in the carriole to the lake. I fished Up. Haande for trout—only got 1 char. Henry trolled on lake. At 4 started home. Played cribbage till dinner at 6. Went to Bridge at night. Lovely night fine moon. Abt 10.30 trout began to rise. I got one 7 lbs., lost another & touched several. Henry fished lower Gredhus 0. Expected Monty & Mrs Hambro who did not arrive.

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