0Friday. 27th August [1886]—Trondhjem
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1886 — Trondhjem
Friday. 27th August [1886]. We went to see Herr Kjeldsberg, got our money, paid our accounts. Henry went to the Club to read the papers & found the news of the Revolution in Bulgaria & how they had turned out P. Alexander Battenberg by Russian intrigue. I took Annie for a walk. After lunch Henry & I walked to the Cathedral where a wedding was going on. The bride & groom sat in chairs at the altar & were admonished by the priest in his Calvinistic ruff. It was so long that Henry & I slipped away but had to be let out by the beadle who had locked the door against intruders. We dined early & walked down to the station to leave by the 7 o’cl train for Christiania. We had a sleeping carriage wh cost us 200 K’s as we had to take 4 places. We took Annie in with us & got to Christiania on

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