0Monday. 6th [September 1886]—Munich
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 September 1886 — Munich
Monday. 6th [September 1886]. Henry & I took a walk & met Mrs Drummond the wife of our Chargé d’Affaires. At 11 met Emily at the hotel & drove to Lembach’s studio. He was away but his servant showed it us. We were both much disappointed in his portraits which have such renown—they seemed like caricatures—excepting one of Bismarck. There was a pencil sketch lifesize of Gladstone looking fiend incarnate– I believe it was done one of these last days as Gladstone is now actually staying with Lord Acton at his villa at Tegernsee. Lembach’s colouring seems to me heavy & absurd in his attempts to paint Rembrandt like portraits as the latter now are after the lapse of time. We went back to the hotel & lunched & went to the station to start for Innspruck. There Emily took leave of us. We had a hot journey & a storm threatened but did not break & we got to Innspruck at 8. Went to Hotel Tyrol—dined & bed early.

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