0Saturday. 2nd [October 1886]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 October 1886 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 2nd [October 1886]. Academy. Home to lunch. Worked machine. Isabel & Henry walked to Stabto & Mrs Burr & I went at 4 in gondola to fetch them & we took a row going in to Rietti & en passant we saw some wood panelling for a room wh we told Rietti to bring for us to see. We went up the Grand Canal round the station & back by Canareggio. Lovely day. Wrote letters. Mr Cavendish Bentinck came to see Henry in morning & sat with us at luncheon. Henry took out Isabel after dinner & when he returned I played the organ till bed time.

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