0Wednesday. 9th March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 9th March [1887]. Wrote letters. Blanche & Mrs Sydney Glyn called. I went to lunch with B. at 2 & told her what I had done about Arthur. Henry called for me in the carriage at 3 & I found we had an invitation for dinner on 24th from Cornelia so I went to Hamilton House to tell her we were engaged & found her at home– She soon began to talk about Arthur & I tried hard to get her to give up Adeline & told her Henry & I would not meet Adeline any way. After talking 1½ hour I went home quite tired having obtained very little. I went to tea with Kate at Langham House. Henry went to the Huguenot meeting & dinner. I went to dine with the Thompsons & then to the Gaiety Theatre with Sir Henry Thompson to see Elly Farren in Monte Christo—very fine scenery & mise en scene & rather funny. Our 18th wedding day.

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