0Monday. 14th March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 14th March [1887]. Practised guitar. Wrote letters. Alice Murray came to luncheon. I took out driving, went to see Lady Eastlake & then to Maples & then took Alice to Albemarle St & left her there. Went to Leuchar’s in search of a present for Malcolm & when I came out found it was snowing. I went to the Club & brought Henry home & it was snowing heavily. Had a visit from May Henniker. We had been girls together but I had not seen her for years & I was distressed to find her grown enormously stout & should not have recognised her. I went afterwards to see Mama & she & the Dr were with Kate so I went to see Blanche, found Lady Louisa & Mr Ponsonby just arrived to stay with her. Came home in time to dress for dinner. Lady Tavistock, Rachel Gurney, Mrs Burr, Isabell Scobell, Sir Fred Burton & Mr Mowbray dined with us & we had a pleasant evening. Bitterly cold night.

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