0Sunday. 20th March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 20th March [1887]. Went to Vere St Chapel & heard Page Roberts preach a sermon against the worship of the Virgin. Lord Lytton came to see us before lunch & he told me that he is not going Ambr to Paris as the Queen wishes, that Lord Lyons should be asked to remain on– Lord Lytton said he felt sore with Ld Salisbury for the way he had chosen for letting him know this. A Mr Austin editor of a paper asked Ly Lytton if she were going to Paris & on her saying she knew nothing said Ld Salisbury ought to let them know & as he was intimate with him he should ask. It appears he did so & Ld S. told him abt the Queen’s wishes but said he fully intended to send Ld Lytton there at the end of the year. Mr A. asked if he was authorised to tell Ld Lytton this & Ld S. said he was on wh the journalist paid Ld L. a visit to tell him. At this time the Lyttons were constantly seeing the Salisburys. Henry went to lunch with the Knowles at Q. Anne’s lodge. I lunched alone & saw no one till Henry returned. Then went to see Mama & Kate & there met Sir R. Welby. Home to dinner. Patience.

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