0Monday. 21st March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 21st March [1887]. Wrote, practised guitar, gave out week’s stores– May Boyd came to see me & stayed to lunch. Cts Hatzfeldt & Corti came to lunch also. I drove out at 3 in open carriage. It was cold & a good deal of snow still lying on the ground. Went to Lady Maxwell’s—being her “day.” On to Mrs Kemble who was in & received me very cordially & had tea made for me. She was, as always, very entertaining & time passed too quickly. I got home after 5 & then out again to Clarke’s to speak abt letting our stables. Then to see Mrs Thomson Hankey & to Maria’s. She was not in but I met Mrs Sydney Glyn at the same time so we left messages abt tomorrow’s concert at Gros. Hse & then she offered to drive me home & we had just started when Maria came up & we went in with her for a little while. Mrs Glyn then drove me to Blanche’s and I went in to see her—then home, dressed & went to dine at Honble Mrs Mostyn’s. Mr Ponsonby (Ld de Mauley’s son) took me down to dinner & I sat next the French Ambr Waddington. Afterwards we went on to the party at the Turkish Emby. A great crowd but we got away early & took Mr Rate to his home first.

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