0Tuesday. 22nd March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 22nd March [1887]. Guitar lesson. Visit from Mrs Burr. Went to lunch with Sir Wm & Lady Gregory & met Sir Robt & Lady Caird, Miss Gribell & a little Russian Jew Raffalovich—a sort of poet—very hideous & almost deformed—a large head on a spindly body. Went at 3.30 to the Concert for the Children’s Hospital at Gros: Hse it had begun. I got a seat by Blanche– The room was full– The Henschels sang, Thomas played harp, Miss Edith Wynant sang & Miss Skinner played the violin. Miss Maude Valerie White played the piano—& Mrs Bancroft recited. The concert was a success. Blanche & I walked home but at Vere St were caught in a shower & had to come in a hansom. Had tea & then I walked to Langham House & met Henry & came home with him. There was a total change of weather. West wind & rain. Henry dined at Sir Henry Thomson’s Octave. I went & dined with the Thomson Hankeys & met 3 people whose names I did not find out, Sir Cs Wingfield & a Mr Blake very agreeable & who amused us by card tricks very cleverly done, also Miss Cassandra Connor who sang. I had not heard her for abt 18 years—& was surprised to find her voice still so good. She used to sing often at my mother’s house when we were young.

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