0Wednesday. 23rd March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 23rd March [1887]. Miss Maxwell came to lunch & then took me to see a Mrs Arbuthnot who lives at Foly House Portland Place just opposite my mother. She is Mr A’s 3rd wife. His first was Miss Pitt, a Dorset girl, daughter of Ld Rivers & she was killed by lightening on her wedding tour in Switzerland. The second was Miss Moncrieff, Lady Dudley’s sister– They were all 3 very handsome & the present one particularly sweet looking & attractive. I went from her to the Concert at Mrs Hardwicke’s for the Children’s hospital. Mildred Guest met me there. Pss Mary & her girl were there. It was a very amusing entertainment, there was Miss Kendal who recited capitally & encored she recited a very sad poem wh made every body cry & the tears ran down her own cheeks. We dined at Mrs Burr’s & met Browning who told me he had lately dined with the two old Miss Ponsonbys & to his annoyance found that it was a party for Gladstone & Mrs Thistlethwayte, Sir Arthur Otway, Sir F. Burton &c were there.

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