0Monday. 4th April [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 4th April [1887]. Wrote—practised guitar & went out at 12 to see Blanche who showed me various letters, the Adeline, Arthur question amongst them, one fm Cornelia asking B to mediate in the question & suggesting a mode wh we agreed was quite impossible. I advised B to write & decline to have anything to do with it. We took half hour’s walk together & I returned to 1 o’cl lunch. Henry went off to a meeting of the National Gallery. At 3 I went up in the carriage to Pk Crescent to ask Maria to drive with me which she did. I found her just going out of her house. We went to see our brother Arthur, found him at home & had tea with him. I went to see Mama & Kate & then home walking with Blanche who was also there. Blanche & Edward dined with us—billiards.

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