0Tuesday. 5th April [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 April 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 5th April [1887]. Went to see Blanche, say good bye & give her some of the flowers from my rooms. It was spitting with rain all the morning but I walked & did several commissions & came home to 1 o’cl lunch. At 2 went to the Waterloo Station & went by 2.30 to Inwood Arthur having stopped the train for us at Templecombe. Found Theo, Merthyr & Mr & Mrs Digby Collins & Lady Westr. She almost stone deaf & nearly 90. Merthyr with bad feet having had them crushed out hunting. Mr Collins just recovering from being rolled on by his horse & Theo with a bad cold. We dined at 7 & I went up to my room abt 9 being very tired. Patience.

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