0Tuesday. 17th [May 1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 May 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 17th [May 1887]. Mr Malcolm gave us his box at the opera & we went to the first representation of “Otello” at the Fenice. It was sung by Tamagno & Maurel who had been specially primed for the parts by Verdi himself when the opera first appeared at Milan last Novr. It was a success—altho’ the house was not full on account of the enormous prices asked. The entrata alone being 10 fcs. Maurel sang & acted wonderfully well. The music was fine & imposing but it was not possible to judge the real merit of the opera at the first hearing. They did not begin the piece till 9 & it was not over till past 1.

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