0Tuesday. 14th June [1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 June 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 14th June [1887]. Breakfast at 9. Read, wrote & practised guitar before breakfast. Painted, finished study with Nela in the chair in studio. Idita came to see us & brought Miss Redisdale in the morning. Mr Dreyfus came to call just before lunch & sat with us while we lunched & then went to the station & left Venice. Henry took the girls to the Piazza to buy photos: & I went to see Ersilia, on the way I met her & Maria & they were coming to me so I returned home with them. I asked Ersilia to find out if I could have the Hungarian band for the Jubilee night. I went down to my gondola as they left & at the door found Mrs Ramsay & Miss Garden came to call. They are two old ladies who live mostly at Rome & we first knew them when they travelled in Spain. They promised to come another day so I went off to the Piazza to meet the others & found them in Naya’s photo: shop. We went to the Edens’ garden which was a mass of white tall lilies a wonderful sight. We picked some flowers & came home just in time for 7.30 dinner. Henry took the girls to Malibran theatre to see “La Forza del destino” & the gondola came back for me. I went to enquire how Miss Holas was as when she came to see me yesterday she fell on our stairs. She was all right. I went to find the Edens who were rowing about & had Edith with them– Carry Eden got into my boat & we rowed about. The Piazza was illuminated for the Queen of Greece & Bengal lights were burnt along the Grand Canal as she passed by to the station at 11. I came in then & sent the gondola for Henry & the Edens went home.

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