0Friday. 29th July [1887]—Dublin
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 July 1887 — Dublin
Friday. 29th July [1887]. Went in the morning with Mr Doyle to see the National Gallery & he took me over it. Very interesting national portrait gallery attached to it. Henry & Sir Wm went with Mr Deane the architect to see the buildings in construction for the Sciences & Art & then joined us at the gallery. We thence went to the Museum of antiquities where an old Miss Stokes a learned lady did the honors. The curator Col. McHenry was there & unlocked the cases & showed us many things very well. Went with Sir Wm to see his Club house in Kildare St & left him there. Henry & I went on to an eating place & got some luncheon which was not very good & the shop very dirty—then we went to the Amiens station where Miss Stokes & Sir Wm joined us & went by train to Howth Castle. The station is close to the grounds & a man was sent to let us in at a private door. Little Lord Howth himself met us in the grounds & which are beautifully kept up. There are splendid beech hedges a great height & many fine trees. There are great beds of lavender & beautiful roses. Lord Howth’s sister Lady Margaret Domvile received us at the castle & was very kind & pleasant. The house is not very large & has curious old towers covered with Ivy which have been built on to at various times. We went out in the garden & sat there. There were hares running about in every direction & Lord Howth will not allow them to be killed. He says that he only allows in his garden 3 flowers to be planted i.e. geraniums,                &               . We had tea in the hall & then had to start off to the station to catch the train back to Dublin. Lord Howth sent us down in his carriage. He told us that owing to the bad times in Ireland he had broken up his establishment & only kept 3 maidservants. He still keeps up the old tradition & his hall door is always left open at meal time, a custom dating from the time of Queen Elisabeth. We got back to Dublin for 7 o’cl dinner. Sir Wm & Mr Doyle dined with us.

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