0Tuesday. 16th [August 1887]—Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 August 1887 — Galway
Tuesday. 16th [August 1887]. We got all ready by 9 & went to breakfast in the coffee room. Sir Wm went to see about starting the luggage & servants in the long car which runs daily to Recess & when he got to the office he found they utterly refused to take all our luggage. He sent to see about getting an omnibus but none was forthcoming & we began to despair of getting to Kylemore at all. Finally we sent to the tramway company who promised us a van. It came on to rain hard. Augusta & I went into the town to shop & were caught in the rain. It was 10.30 before the van came & the luggage & servants (our 2 & Sir Wm’s man) were packed into it & sent off. We then got into our landeau & started. It was a lovely drive despite the weather past fine domains & with constant peeps of Lough Corrib. The houses on these domains were mostly falling into decay their unfortunate owners being ruined. We stopped to lunch at Oughterard a nice little town on a pretty river. We had brought our chicken & tongue with us & while the potatoes were being boiled Augusta & I rushed off to see a little fishing box belonging to her mother on the river. It luckily ceased raining at that moment & so we scampered back returning to find our potatoes ready. As soon as we had had lunch we started off again & drove thro’ a barren country by pretty tarns thro’ the mountains covered with bog & heath wh was just then in flower to Recess. We stopped at a pretty little hotel over looking a large lake. There we found Mr Mitchell Henry’s omnibus & cart for luggage & a carriage for servants. We had tea while the luggage was being transshipped but it was some time before our van made its appearance & at last when it turned up we found one of the horses had broken down & with difficulty could be got on & could hardly stand on getting to Recess. The van was heavy & the journey long. But at last on we went & abt ¼ to 8 we arrived at Kylemore Castle wh nestles under a wooded mountain on a lovely lake. The servants did not arrive for a little while & we heard after that to complete the chapter of accident, the horses on the carriage they were in being harnessed on the opposite side to wh they were accustomed had kicked so that they had had to get them reharnessed. However we were at last at the end of our journey. Mr Mitchell Henry & his eldest daughter Mrs Edward Henn, Mr E. Henn, Mrs Wilds (Mr Henry’s sister), Lord Normanby, Mr Lorenzo Henry & Misses Violet & Florinda Henry made up the party.

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