0Thursday. 3rd November [1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 November 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 3rd November [1887]. Kate, Henry & Gregorys went to Vicenza for the day starting by 9 o’cl train & returning to dinner. I stayed at home with Mamma– Had a lace lesson. Helped Mama to do some new embroidery. It was a dull day & after lunch there fell a few flakes of snow. At Vicenza they had lovely weather. We were thinking of going out when Mrs Eden came to call & we settled to stop in. Miss Sharp came to tea & then Ersilia Canevaro came & after we had had a chat down stairs I brought her up to the studio to see Mama. Wrote some letters & then Mama & I played piano duetts till Mr Malcolm arrived to dine with us but we had to wait some time before the others returned from Vicenza very pleased with their day.

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