0Thursday. [1st March 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 March 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. [1st March 1888]. Cini came at 9 and found Ola’s fever still high & recommended us to send for a nurse. I wrote to Mr Jameson to ask if the English nurse who was here in the winter was still here & finding she was not we telegraphed to Rome for one from St Paul’s House & got the answer that one would start this evening. I remained with Ola all day. Miss Fearon came & we talked over her symptoms & she told me she thought they were all favorable—& she had a great deal of experience. Cini came again at 10 & gave his orders for the night. Annie sat up with her after 12—Gigia & I remaining till that time. Mr Brown came abt 10 to ask for news of Ola. Very fine.

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