0Tuesday. 24th [April 1888]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 April 1888 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 24th [April 1888]. Today Mildred was married to Major Mansel. I & several others of the family did not go to the wedding which took place from Adelines relatives house—& Arthur was not there. Henry’s cold still bad & he did not go out. I drove in afternoon & returned to tea. Edward Ponsonby called in morning & proposed coming to breakfast with us tomorrow as Blanche is away. To our surprise Theodora came in about 6 oclock being in town for a night. Kate also turned up for ¼ hour having come up for the day for Mildred’s wedding. Henry dined at The Club & I dined with Mama & Maria & Richard were there. Henry came to fetch me home after his dinner.

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