0Thursday. 26th [April 1888]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 April 1888 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 26th [April 1888]. Edward breakfasted with us. Maria came at 12 & we went off in a hansom to buy furniture for the billiard room which I am going to take for a sitting room & we returned here for lunch. Fred Layard lunched with us. Henry drove with me & we went to see Lady Eastlake & Cornelia & came home by 5. Old Mr Thomson Hankey came to tea & Sir Fred Burton & Lady Tavistock & Rachel Gurney. The latter sang very prettily. We dined with the Rates—a large party of 29– Mr Duff took me to dinner & I sat next Mr Sydney Colvin.

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