0Friday. 27th [April 1888]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 April 1888 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 27th [April 1888]. Ruth came to help me with Store lists. Mrs Burr came & sat with me. Mr Rate came—& also Connie & Maria. Ruth stayed to luncheon & drove with me afterwards. We took Henry as far as Mr Murray’s & left him there. I took Ruth home & stayed to tea with Maria & Eliza White was there. I walked home afterwards & passing Mr Hambro’s house in Mansfield St was startled at seeing a lady very like poor Susan getting out of her brougham at their door & I recognised Mrs Currie poor Susan’s sister. She took me into the house the first time I had been there since Susan died & it was very trying finding myself in her room & among her things. I came home at 7. Henry was at Langham House & came in soon after & we dressed & went to dine with Mr Thomson Hankey. Old Mrs Hankey was in the drawing room but was carried off to bed when we went to dinner. Lady Hotham (our next door neighbour) was there & a Capt. Low(?) R.N. We walked home at 10.30.

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