0Saturday. 28th April [1888]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 April 1888 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 28th April [1888]. Ola came abt 12 & I read aloud to her till lunch out of Gt Expectations. After lunch Nela came to go with Henry to the Private view of the Gros. Gallery. Miss Otway came to call & then Maria & I went out driving together. In passing St James St we passed Merthyr who was in a hansom. So we stopped & had a chat with him. We went to call on Lady Galway & found her at home. Returned home to tea. Nela & Arthur Du Cane came in & we kept Nela to dinner. Ruth & Mama, Sir F. Burton & Mr Herbert Thompson dined with us.

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